
Are songs poetry?  Yes I think songs are poetry. People who write poetry sometimes express their feelings or write about something they like and that is the same with songs.  Both songs and poems can also have deeper meanings and are sometimes hard to figure out what they mean.

Mad World by Gary Jules

I think this song is about how people don't talk to other people and keep their feelings inside.  He thinks its funny and sad if they don't talk to people and he thinks it a mad or crazy world because people have smiles on their faces and other people can't see past that.  When he says dieing in my dreams is the best dream I ever had it means that he has so many bad feelings that he doesn't have that he can't let them out.

Grenade by Bruno Mars

This song is about a girl treating the guy bad and being really mean to him but he still loves her.  He would do anything for her like catching a grenade for her or jumping in front of a train for her.  Pretty much he would die for her but she wouldn't do the same for him.  When he says tell the devil I say hey when you get back to where your from that means he thinks she is so evil and rude that she is from hell.  He gave her his love but she didn't want it and tossed it in the 'trash'.  When he says If my body was on fire would watch me burn down in flames being the woman is pretty much mad and wouldn't help him so he would die for her but she would never die or do anything for him.

Everyday by Buddy Holly

I think this song is about how close he is getting to finding a love like the person he has meant this for bacause he says love like yours will surely come my way.  Then he says do you ever love for true love from me meaning he wants to be together with this girl he is singing to.  He says everyday is going faster because he can't wait to find love.  Then it says everyday seems a little longer because he found love and the girl he wants and then after work or whereever he is he can;t wait to see her and the day goes by faster.
Care by Kid Rock feat. Martina McBride and T.I.

With all the fighting and poverty going on around the world its nearly impossible for one person to solve it all so Kid Rock is saying the least he can do is care and think about the wars and just try to help other people even in his own town.  He says hes trying to live his life and trying to help would take up a big part of his life but the least he can do is help out a small amount. Even helping with poverty in his own town.

Airplanes by B.O.B.

This song is pretty much about when he lived in the city and would look up to see airplanes, wishing that they were shooting stars and that his wish would come true.  I think his wish is that he goes back to all the old rapping and the life he lived before he became famous.  He likes the money and partying but he wishes he could rap his old songs and live like he used to do.

Temporary Home by Carrie Underwood

This song is so sad!  The first part of the song about the little boy means that this boy doesn't have a real place to call home and he aways has new foster parents or adoption parents who no longer want him but he still keeps on smiling because he knows that he will find a home.  The second part with the mom means that she is young with no one else to go to for help so she is living in a half-way-house with her baby but she has hope and knows that she and her baby will find a real home.  The third part with the old man means that he is sick in the hospital and has everyone around in the room that he loves.  He is ready to die but he doesn't want them to cry because they will all go up to heaven and see him.  Then he sees gods face and is ready to go to heaven but he says that he is not afraid to die because earth was his temporary home and now he will live in peace and happiness in his home in heaven forever.

Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne

I think this song is about kind of Ozzy Osbournes life when he went on drugs and kind of went off his life path and went kind of crazy and screwed up his life.  He may be off drugs but he still is mental and can not heal and I think that's why he says mental wounds not healing. When he says he's going off the rails on a crazy train he may be referring to the train as his life and his life his going down hill because of the drugs. 

Old School by Hedley

This songs meaning is pretty straight forward I thought.  It may be about Jacob Hoggard or someone else in the bands' memories about their school or wanting to get together with their old friends.  It also talks about the boys turning into men when it says remember the fires and burning car tires but then the lyrics change to now we're putting out fires and changing car tires.  It may mean everyone wants to grow up when they are young but after they grow up they kind of wanted to be young again back to the old times.

Gives You Hell by All American Rejects

 This song is about a girl and a boy breaking up and the boy wants to make the girl feel like hell.  When it says I wake up every evening with a big smile on my face and it never feels out of place that means that the smile on his face is putting the girl through hell and she is sad about breaking up but when it says then your the fool and I'm just as well that means that maybe he is thinking that it was both their faults for breaking up.

Lose Yourself by Eminem

This is about Eminem's life and how he doesn't have enough money to raise his daughter and how he is always away and forgets his family.  He only has one chance to become famous or see his daughter or not be nervous and sing to get money.  He gets caught up in the music industry and he kind of screwed his life up with his wife and daughter.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Camille. Very detailed work that is backed up with evidence from the songs. You have an ability to dissect a song and figure out what it is about. You are doing high level work here.
