
Misery by Andrew Parker

I think this poem is about how we see these horrible things on t.v. but hardly anybody does anything about them.  When a man is shot on t.v. it is probably fake but lots of people probably don't think about it after.  I watch C.S.I a lot but it doesn't really affect me in anyway.  I sit down, grab a snack and watch t.v. for an hour not really thinking about the man who got killed.  A lot of commercials come on about abused animals or starving, sick children.  When those commercials come on I look away because I can't look at those sad crying children or the whimpering puppies and meowing cats without shedding a tear.  I think that Andrew Parker was trying to say that people all over the world watch those commercials or watch that man being shot a million of times but they never think about it after.  A lot of people probably don't call that number on the screen.  Some people might not have enough money to donate to the poor children and animals or some people just say "What will a dollar a day do?"  I think Andrew Parker wrote this poem so that when people read it they will  maybe think about that shot man that got shot and think if that happened in real life.  Or when they see those commercials about starving children they will think "What if that happened to me?  I would want people to give me a dollar a day".

Night on Gull Lake by Gwendolyn MacEwen

I think this poem is about a group of people who go canoeing at night and they come across a mysterious island that doesn't have any animals or humans living on it.  The island is very starnge because nothing is living on it, only remains of snake skin are on the island.  I think it is a calm night and the island is very still even though its raining.  When the poem says we took off over the shallow waters the next day our pockets were full of pebbles that we knew we'd porbaly throw away I think it is referring to memories of the island that they would forget.  This poem is a little bit confusing because I thought there was going to be a deeper meaning, but maybe it is just written differently.

This poem features some different figurative language in it such as:

"Small as a wish"- simile
"Scraped it like a kiss"- personification
"The lip of our borrowed boat"- personfication
"Th meagre tree held star in its fingers"- personification

Haiku for Japan earthquake/tsunami:

Earthhquake in the sea
Made waves crash to Japan's shore
What damage is done?

Radiation spreads
Now people are panicing
Will it be over?

Cinquain Poems:

Rules the people
No one is stopping him
He is destroying Libya
Stop him

People homeless
After the 9.0
The tsunami hit the country

Feeling of pride
You have won the trophy
This is your day to remember...
Your day

Quatrain (4 stanzas)


Dallas is the best horse you could ever know
He has competed and won in a fair number of shows
He used to be a horse that was un-focused and green
But Dallas was always gentle and he was never mean

He has helped with many riding lessons on the farm
Dallas is so well behaved you could ride him with a broken arm
Now Dallas is older, but he still has that kick
You could ride him for hours to the sound of 'click, click'

In the summer Dallas grazes in the pasture
But when he hears the whistle he trots over to his master
Dallas has a few friends such as Hailey, Heidi, Bear and Tom
When their in the pen he eats hay with them all day long

After almost every ride Dallas rolls in the snow or dust
And brushing Dallas after a ride is an absolute must
So you see, Dallas is the best horse you could ever know
When you meet and ride him, your heart will just glow.

Quatrain (4 stanzas)


Summer is a time for lying in the sun
You can sit back and relax now that school is done
I like to go swimming in the big freshwater lake
Better put some sunscreen on so I don't turn red and bake!

I lay on the dock and tan all day
But last year I got tan lines, what a dismay!
In the summer I always go fishing, preferably at night
The water is so calm and the moon is shining bright

Walking around the lake is also a fun thing to do
But while walking through the nature trail you better where shoes!
When your in a hurry to get to place to place
You can ride the dirt bike, truck or quad but remember, its not a race!

I like to hangout in the summer with all my friends
When we start driving around the night never ends
Summer is the best season because there is no school
It is always warm outside and hardly ever cool.


Grade 8 has been really great
I've been to school on time and I haven't been late

We had lots of homework that stressed me out
While doing art I just wanted shout

This year has went by very fast, the fastest its ever gone by
We had one new kid in the class this year, he wasn't very shy

I still need a dress for grad
I recently bought one but it looks bad

I need to go shopping for jewlerry and shoes
Next time I go shopping I will try to be in the shopping mood

The theme for grad is gold, silver and blue
But next year the school that I am going to is new

I will miss Hugh Cairns V.C. school
I had a fun time and the teachers are cool

Grade 8 year was really good
Everyone will be sad, and they should!


  1. i liked your poems on lybia and japan. 3rd poem doesnt make sence on the 3rd line. good idea on the last poem though

  2. they were really good poems. the last poem in the last two line kind or repeats. last peom was a good choice.

  3. I liked your poems of how long they are but some word dont ryhme like know and shows and Tom and long

  4. good i guess but all exept a few are dull and most don't rhyme,sooooo fixing is required

  5. Very good poems..dont you want to bake in summer?
    Good effort :)
